I am Firoj Khan from India. After completing my Masters I am perusing my passion ie getting to know more about computers. Eazytrix.in provides great content like tutorials and solutions to computer software/ OS related issues. The tutorials here are done in simplest way for enthusiasts. I make my tutorials with step by step instructions so anyone can easily follow them. This blog exists only to help the people and to make them more intelligent and aware about the computers.

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I would like to say thank you for the time you spend in reading my posts and showering your love and faith upon me. I would like to say thanks to all my friends who give me moral support which encourages me to do my best for the people through my blog. I would like to say thanks to all my readers and my well-wishers because without you, this blog is nothing. Once again, very very thanks to all the readers and friends to be with me and my blog. Love You All…!!